Say hello to the newest technology in the swimming pool industry: The Variable Speed Pool Pump. The Variable Speed Pool Pump can literally save you hundreds of dollars each year, help protect your family, and it is so quiet that you can barely believe it’s on!
The Variable Speed Pool Pump can run at multiple speeds whereas the typical speed pool pump only has one (high speed). The secret to minimizing pump energy use is to operate at the lowest speed needed to accomplish a job. It takes far less energy to move water slowly than quickly. In fact, reducing pump speed by half reduces power needed to an eighth of what was needed previously to get the job done. A good analogy is your car…you get far better gas mileage at 30 mph than at 90 mph. These new pumps allow you to set and adjust pump speed to achieve the minimum energy use.
By using a fraction of the horsepower and energy this pump saves most customers between $500- $700 a year. Unlike your old pool pump motor, the new Variable Speed Pump can pay for itself in just 1-2 seasons! In addition to saving you money, the Variable Speed Pool Pump has a built-in diagnostics to prevent any sort of premature failure. This means the Variable Speed Pool Pump will last longer than your traditional pump. The Variable Speed pump can also prevent: loss of prime, overheating, as well as freezing and voltage irregularities.
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